Susquehanna’s Provost and Dean of Faculty Dave Ramsaran plans, implements and coordinates all academic programs. 他促进教师发展和奖学金,同时维护大学的学术诚信. 他带领大学成为一个充满活力的探究社区,专注于追求卓越的教学和学习.

教务长的优先事项包括建立学术创新和深化智力参与, furthering global engagement, excelling at inclusive excellence and expanding diversity.

A member of the president’s Senior Leadership Team, the provost oversees:

This is a photo of Dave Ramsaran speaking at the 2021 mid year celebration.

Meet the Provost

Dave Ramsaran于2000年加入Susquehanna,担任社会学和人类学助理教授. He was named provost and dean of the faculty in 2019.


Learning Goals

浩博体育app的学习目标明确表达了我们学生自信的愿景, liberally educated, and committed to multidisciplinary education as global citizens, working within and across their academic disciplines. 他们富有成效地收集和应用他们的教育经验的各个方面,以个人和专业框架他们的职业, areas of study, and lives, demonstrating achievement, leadership, and service in the world.


SU students investigate the creative, natural, social, economic, and cultural forces that shape the world, and gain familiarity with:

the richness of human thought and expression across time and into the present;

the ongoing ways humans seek to explain the natural world; and

the breadth and depth of global human interactions, including belief systems, values, practices, and ways of organizing life.




结合各种学科的分析方法来理解和探索冲突, and solve problems;

engage effectively with others through gathering, evaluating, synthesizing, and articulating information to generate informed opinions and arguments through multiple avenues; and

work effectively within a team, function with professional and digital competency, 理解和处理那些经常引起复杂和模棱两可反应的问题.


SU students develop a mature, integrated sense of themselves through a holistic liberal arts experience, including:

appreciating the limits and contexts of their own experience, and the ability to value the experiences of others with diverse backgrounds;

critically examining their strengths and struggles, and realistically evaluating the potential positive or negative impact of inputs and activities; and



州立大学毕业生发展并内化了他们自己对共同利益的综合愿景, and how to pursue it in the context of their lives, including:

pursuing sustainable relationships with their natural and social environments;


understanding and valuing both the universality and diversity of human experience; and


图为全国有色人种协进会总部楼上窗户上飘扬的旗帜, New York City, announcing a man was lynched yesterday.

Research seeks to right American record on lynching

August 6, 2024

美国私刑的历史记录的准确性受到了不合理的限制,因为对该行为的定义有限,而且以前拒绝相信历史上的黑人新闻来源和艾达·B. Wells and the NAACP lynching investigative files. Aisha Upton-Azzam, assistant professor of sociology at Susquehanna University, is trying to amend this injustice.

Jack Holt, professor of biology, left, and Michael Rose '25, right, collect algae samples from a local lake.

Shedding the light on mixoplankton

July 25, 2024

In aquatic ecosystems, 像浮游植物和混合浮游生物这样的微生物构成了食物网的骨干. 25岁的生态学专业学生迈克尔·罗斯(Michael Rose)整个夏天都在与索菲·查维特(Sophie Charvet)和杰克·霍尔特(Jack Holt)教授合作研究这些生物, focusing on isolating and cultivating key mixoplankton from local water bodies.

A row of plastic containers containing spiders.

Could spiders solve the spotted lanternfly problem?

July 11, 2024


Zachary Levi, assistant professor of music and orchestra director at Susquehanna University, conducts the Cleveland Pops Orchestra.


June 27, 2024

Zachary Levi, assistant professor of music and orchestra director at Susquehanna University, 是克利夫兰流行乐团在全国范围内选出的14名指挥家之一. 李维还获得了指挥乐团演出的荣誉,演出场场几乎爆满.

Samya Zain looking up from the pendulum in Fisher Hall

Professor publishes textbook The Physics of Sound and Music

June 24, 2024

Susquehanna University Professor of Physics Samya Zain recently published The Physics of Sound and Music, 一本向本科生介绍物理学之间独特关系的教科书, music and sound.

Amanda Lenig, 浩博体育app艺术与设计系主任兼平面设计副教授

Graphic design professor’s work displayed in national juried exhibition

June 13, 2024

Amanda Lenig ’07, 浩博体育app艺术学院艺术与设计系系主任、平面设计副教授, is currently featured in a national juried art exhibition.

Professional headshot of Laurie Carter

Dean Laurie Carter selected for prestigious leadership initiative

June 6, 2024

Laurie Carter, 浩博体育app艺术学院和人文学院院长,英语和创意写作教授, 被提名为美国州立学院和大学协会2024-25年千年领导力倡议.

Hualu Zheng, 浩博体育app西格蒙德·韦斯商学院管理和市场营销助理教授

Marketing literacy: How do shoppers react when they detect deception?

June 5, 2024

Hualu Zheng, 浩博体育app西格蒙德·韦斯商学院管理和市场营销助理教授, 研究销售价格声明,看看当顾客发现他们没有得到预期的全额折扣时的反应.

Eric Hinton directs Susquehanna's orchestra.


May 22, 2024

New research from Eric L. Hinton, 浩博体育app的乐队总监、系主任和音乐副教授, 呈现了一个在白人占主导地位的机构中,道德学术和非裔美国人音乐表演的模式.

Pictured are the headshots of Jim Briggs, Peggy Peeler and Lauren Smith.

Faculty win awards for scholarship, teaching, advising

May 18, 2024

Susquehanna University announced faculty awards for research, teaching and advising at its 166th commencement. Awards were given to James Briggs, professor of psychology; Peggy Peeler, professor of biology; and Lauren Smith, lecturer in management and marketing.

Exploring MLK’s true beliefs on nonviolence

April 30, 2024

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is widely recognized as a prominent advocate for nonviolence. In a recent piece published in Dialog, A Journal of Theology, Jeffrey K. Mann posits that King’s view of nonviolence was not as absolute as we might think.

Geneive Henry, Charles B. Degenstein professor of chemistry at Susquehanna University

Geneive Henry honored as 2024 CUR Fellow

April 24, 2024

Geneive Henry, Charles B. Degenstein professor of chemistry at Susquehanna University, 是第一个获委任为本科研究委员会(Council on Undergraduate Research)研究员的大学. 该奖项每年颁发一次,以表彰在本科研究界的领导者和榜样.

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Charity Ney